The design studio showcasing functionality and provoking interaction.
Capturing moments of silence and absence.
Beauty and effervescence.
Visually eerie, emotionally disturbing.
The mascots too cute that doors cannot handle.
Enter the sooty world of Kazama Sachiko.
The OG City Boy.
An unmistakable impression on the Japanese street culture.
Everything anyone would ever want to be.
The concept of beauty, reimagined.
An average Japanese person’s perspective.
Visually and metaphorically deep.
Thriving in her own genre.
Half-good, half bad.
Airy fabrics and translucent resin architecture.
Representing the semi-obscure side of the internet.
Playing with overdone anime tropes and stereotypes.
An endless pool of visuals.
Powerful displays of colors and messages.
The fantasy of a dream collaboration.