Capturing moments of silence and absence.
The concept of beauty, reimagined.
An average Japanese person’s perspective.
Half-good, half bad.
Warm, nostalgic, and progressive.
Into the dark.
Representing the semi-obscure side of the internet.
Playing with overdone anime tropes and stereotypes.
An endless pool of visuals.
Powerful displays of colors and messages.
The fantasy of a dream collaboration.
Modders saving the day.
Art that takes you down memory lane.
Dealing with themes of Buddhism and Christianity.
One of the animes you will fall in love with.
Loneliness, friendship, and the butterfly effect.
A brawl between Gods and man.
A crudely realistic view on the ups and downs of life.
Wicked City follows a salaryman Renzaburo Taki electronics company man by day, and secret police by night, charged with protecting the peace between the Black World and the human world.
The dark, violent, and uncensored season of Yu-Gi-Oh! that was never released outside Japan.